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Global Health & Gender Policy Brief: Menstrual Health and Management

Page one of policy brief by the Maternal Health Initiative
Page one of policy brief by the Maternal Health Initiative

Of the 1.8 billion people who menstruate each month, 500 million are unable to adequately manage menstruation, leading to health, economic, and safety concerns. Menstruation remains a taboo topic that is often overlooked within health sectors. But recent attention from global health, international development, women’s empowerment, and humanitarian organizations has increased awareness for the impact of menstruation on women’s participation in societies and economies.

Despite its potential widespread impact, existing policies that address MHM are limited at both the national and international levels. Thus, MHM must be prioritized in overall policy and practice, and in both peacetime and during humanitarian crises. 

In a new policy brief, Menstrual Health and Management, the Wilson Center’s Maternal Health Initiative explores MHM in the context of human security, including economic, personal, and health security, as well as in humanitarian and fragile settings; examine current policies and initiatives to promote proper MHM; and offer recommendations to improve MHM globally.

Maternal Health Initiative

Life and health are the most basic human rights, yet disparities between and within countries continue to grow. No single solution or institution can address the variety of health concerns the world faces. By leveraging, building on, and coordinating the Wilson Center’s strong regional and cross-cutting programming, the Maternal Health Initiative (MHI) promotes dialogue and understanding among practitioners, scholars, community leaders, and policymakers.  Read more